Risk Management

The following must be considered by the teacher/coach/intramural supervisor when planning an activity:

  • The activity is age and skill level appropriate for the students' abilities.
  • The teacher/coach/intramural supervisor has the knowledge, experience, and certifications (where applicable) in accordance with the safety standards to teach, coach, and/or supervise the activity safely.


Parents/Guardians need to be made aware of the curricular/intramural and interschool activities in which their child will be participating and the inherent risks of those activities.


Depending on school division policy, schools/school divisions may require parents/guardians to provide acknowledgment of the elements of risk and/or permission for their child/ward to participate in intramural activities.  Manitoba Physical Activity Safety in Schools has developed sample that schools/school divisions could use.  The collection of student medical information must be in alignment with school division policy.


School divisions must develop policies and/or practices that require parents/guardians to acknowledge the elements of risk and permission for their child/ward to participate in interschool activities.  Parental/Guardian permission must be received from each interschool participant.  The collection of student medical information must be in alignment with school division policy.