
Manitoba Physical Activity Safety in Schools (MPASS) is a comprehensive safety and risk management resource for physical activity, physical education, field trips, and interscholastic sports in Manitoba schools. It is a combination of the safety guidelines from the Safety Guidelines for Physical Activity in Manitoba Schools (2016), YouthSafe Manitoba: School Field Trip Resource, and other published Manitoba safety guidelines (for example, Swim Safe Program).


The copyright of the Ontario Safety Guidelines document was originally purchased from OPHEA (The Ontario Physical and Health Education Association) for the Safety Guidelines for Physical Activity in Manitoba Schools and were adapted for use in Manitoba.


The following partner groups have contributed to the development of MPASS:

  • The Physical and Health Educators of Manitoba (PHE MB)
  • The Manitoba Physical Education Supervisor's Association (MPESA)
  • The Manitoba School Boards Association (MSBA)
  • Manitoba Education (Curriculum Development & Implementation)
  • HUB International (MSI insurance brokers)


MPASS has identified and analyzed reasonable foreseeable risks and developed these standards to reflect a consensus among qualified persons about procedures to help minimize, to the greatest extent possible, the risk of a preventable incident or injury.


As of August, 2024, MPASS will be updated continually in real time, driven by users of the system, by the MPASS Committee. The MPASS Committee consists of a group of qualified professionals with expertise in education and risk management, in consultation with other third party organizations with knowledge, expertise and jurisdiction.