Sample Wind Velocity Preparedness Guide

Role of Teachers, Coaches, Intramural Supervisors

Where appropriate, prior to and during outside physical activities, check for wind warnings and cancel and/or make accommodations to activities where winds may pose a hazard to students.

Tool That Can Be Used

Anemometer – an instrument for measuring the speed of the wind (handheld model - $100.00).

Actions that Must be Taken

This section outlines actions that must be taken dependent upon the velocity of the wind.

For water activities follow the wind guidelines for participation/cancellation of the governing body of the activity (for example, rowing, sailing), outside activity provider, or school board.

Wind Speeds Land Effect Precautions/Actions that Must be Taken
0-19 km/h
  • Calm to gentle breeze
  • Wind felt on exposed skin
  • Leaves in constant motion
  • No precautions required.
  • Be vigilant for change in weather conditions
20-39 km/h
  • Breezy
  • Dust and loose paper blown
  • Branches of trees move
  • Continue outside activity.  Teacher to secure items susceptible to being blown around.
  • Be vigilant for change in weather conditions
40-49 km/h
  • Strong breeze
  • Large branches in motion
  • Umbrella becomes difficult to use
  • Empty plastic trash bins can tip over
  • Teacher to take activity surroundings into consideration (for example: trees, non-secure ground objects (sand), and equipment being used)
  • Secure appropriate items
  • Activity to stop or moved indoors when wind effect poses a risk to participants
50-59 km/h
  • High winds
  • Whole trees in motion
  • Resistance felt when walking against wind
  • Avoid outside activities
60 km/h or greater wind speeds (or) gusts of wind of 90 km/h
  • Twigs, large branches break off trees
  • Small trees blow over
  • Construction/Temporary signs and barricades blow over
  • Damage to tents and canopies
  • No outdoor activities



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