Sample First Aid Plan

Responsibilities of Teachers Providing First Aid For Students
  • Common Law Duties of Teachers: to assist or allow an injured student to seek medical attention for illness or injuries as a careful parent/guardian would.
  • Implement the content of the school site First Aid Plan to:
    • Provide immediate assistance and/or first aid that is appropriate in the circumstances.
    • Where appropriate to get medical care to the injured/ill student as quickly as possible.
Role of Principal/Designate
  • The principal/designate must inform/train teachers, coaches, supervisors of physical activities on school board/school policies and procedures for the provision of immediate assistance/first aid to students and/or accessing medical care.
Sample Contents of a First Aid Plan

This section provides sample content to be addressed in a school site’s first aid plan.

  • School first aider(s) - name(s), location, and procedures for contacting. A school first aider is an individual on staff strained to provide first aid.
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) – 911 – school site procedures for contacting EMS and required follow-up.
  • First aid kits - location and access to gym and outside activity fields.
  • Automated External Defibrillator (AED) – location and access to gym and outside activity fields.
  • Communication device (telephone) - location and access to gym and outside activity fields.
  • Contacting office from gymnasium and outside activity fields – school site procedures.
  • Students with identified medical conditions (for example, anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy) – roles and responsibilities related to students with medical conditions. Teachers must be familiar with:
    • the students’ medical conditions;
    • the plan of care for those students;
    • the medication that must be readily accessed;
    • the procedures to manage medical conditions for physical activities;
    • the ways to recognize and respond to a student’s medical condition emergency.
  • Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndrome (SADS) – sample information and procedures including SADS warning signs and the school response to a fainting episode.
  • Suspected concussions - roles and responsibilities of teachers/coaches/supervisors detailed in the board’s protocol for a suspected concussion (that is, how to recognize a suspected concussion, actions required when Red Flag signs and other signs and symptoms are present, communication required, and forms supplied to parents/guardians).
  • Cardinal rule of injury care – if the injured student is not moving or you suspect a head, neck, or spinal injury, do not move the student and tell the student not to move.
  • Equipment (for example, helmet, shoulder pads) – wait for EMS, do not remove equipment unless there is a life-threatening injury because removal of equipment may cause damage to neck or spinal cord.
  • Universal blood and body fluid precautions - procedures for avoiding contact with blood and bodily fluids.
  • Conditions that require an automatic 911 call – that is, loss of consciousness/fainting, uncontrolled bleeding, anaphylactic reaction, any life-threatening illness/condition or injury and the philosophy to err on the side of caution and call 911 if unsure.
  • Transporting an injured/ill student – procedures for staff members accompanying student to the hospital and for transporting by private vehicle to the hospital.
  • Food and drink - school board/school procedure (for example, do not feed or give fluids to the injured student unless otherwise identified as per the student’s Plan of Care (for example, diabetic low blood sugar incident)).
  • Medications to students - School board/school procedures for providing and documenting medication given to students.
  • School first aider is available - school board/school procedures for teacher/coach/supervisor during school hours.
  • School first aider is not available - school board/school procedures for teacher/coach/supervisor providing first aid after school hours.
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