Coach/Coach Liaison
- Definition of Coach: A coach is any individual approved by the principal or designate (for example, teacher, school administrator, or non-teacher/volunteer) responsible for an interschool sport/activity.
- All new coaches must go through an approval process by the school administrator/designate to determine the coach’s knowledge, experience and, where appropriate, qualifications (for example, higher risk sports) to safely coach the sport (consult Coaches Expectations).
- Non-teacher/Volunteer coaches must go through a formal application process (consult the Sample Non-Teacher/Volunteer Coaching Application Form).
- Any person who is not a teacher or administrator employed by the school division is considered a non-teacher/volunteer coach. This includes retired teachers, teachers not under contract, co-op students, other secondary students, early childhood educators, and teacher candidates.
- All non-teacher/volunteer coaches must:
- complete an application form for non-teacher/volunteer coaches (consult the Sample Non-Teacher/Volunteer Coaching Application Form)
- be interviewed and approved by the principal or designate (consult Suggested Criteria for Non-Teacher/Volunteer Coaches);
- become familiar with relevant school and school division policies and procedures provided by the principal or designate;
- complete a current criminal record check and child abuse registry check (where appropriate);
- complete Respect In Sport and provide their certification number and completion date to the school division or as directed, and
- be assigned a coach liaison
Coach Liaison
- Definition of Coach Liaison: A coach liaison is defined as a teacher, principal, or vice-principal with current teacher certification and under contract by the school/school division who will provide appropriate support to a non-teacher/volunteer coach.
- A coach liaison must be appointed for every non-teacher/volunteer coach.
- The coach liaison will be responsible for providing appropriate support to the non-teacher/volunteer coach. The level of support will be commensurate with the expertise and qualifications of the coach and will be determined by the principal or designate.
While the coach/coach liaison is in-charge and responsible for the overall safety and well-being of persons under their care, sometimes there are other personnel who make final decisions regarding the safety of the participants (for example, lifeguards). When possible, these decisions should be made in consultation with the coach/coach liaison.