Weight Training

Grades 9-12
  • Consult Risk Management for additional general safety requirements.
  • If the activity is happening with an Outside Activity Provider then they must be presented with this activity page prior to the activity taking place.  The Outside Activity Provider must meet the minimum requirements listed on this page. Consult Outside Activity Providers for more information on planning activities/trips using Outside Activity Providers.
  • Includes:  Weight training machines and free weights.
  • Consult Fitness Activities for aerobics, circuit training, and other fitness activities (chinning bar, stability balls, slides, tubing, medicine balls, balance boards, shields).
  • Also consult Safety in Fitness Rooms.


  • Determine that all equipment is safe for use (for example, no sharp corners, cracks, or splinters). Students must be encouraged to report equipment problems to the teacher.
  • All fitness equipment must be appropriate to the size and ability of the students.
  • All fitness equipment must be regularly inspected.  All damaged/broken equipment must be removed and not be accessible to students.  
  • Music players (and other electrical equipment) must be in good working order and kept away from the activity area.  
  • Students may use personal audio devices with headphones during activities which do not require a spotter or which do not require on-going instruction.  The personal audio device must not pose a safety hazard (for example, headphone cord length).

Refer to the First Aid section for first aid equipment requirements.


  • Activity appropriate clothing and footwear must be worn.
  • No exposed jewelry is permitted with the exception of fitness monitors.
  • When long hair poses a safety risk it must be secured. Devices (for example, hair pins, elastics and barrettes) used to tie back long hair must not present a safety concern.


  • Teachers must determine that all facilities are safe for use. Students must be encouraged to report facility concerns to the teacher.
  • The training surface and surrounding area must be free of all obstacles (for example, tables, chairs), and must provide safe footing and traction.
  • The weight room/training room always be locked when not in use.
  • A process must be developed to regularly disinfect equipment and facility.
  • Weight rooms must provide enough space to safely move around machines and free weight areas as well as having suitable storage for all exercise equipment (free weight plates).
  • Consult Safety in Fitness Rooms, for safety precautions when using non-gym areas.
  • The playing surface and the surrounding area must be free of obstacles and must provide safe footing and traction.
  • When warm-ups (runs) take place off the school site:
    • Teachers must complete a ‘walk through’ of the route to identify any potential hazards.
    • Prior to the warm-up teachers must communicate the route to students and identify any hazards (for example, areas to approach with caution).
    • Teachers must directly supervise students if they are to cross busy intersections.  

Special Rules/Instructions

  • All students must be instructed in proper lifting techniques, safety procedures, and spotting.
  • Students must be shown how to safely and properly use each weight training machine and free weight exercise.  These skills must be reviewed regularly.
  • Skills must be taught sequentially and appropriate to the age and ability of the student.  Emphasis must be placed on correct body alignment/position to prevent injuries.
  • All free weights plates must be secured before using.
  • Weight training programs must be individualized and students must be allowed to work at personal levels of intensity.
  • A system for safe-spotting must be created.
  • Students must be taught the rules and gym etiquette for weight training.
  • There must always be a minimum of 2 students in the fitness room during training.
  • Activities must be modified according to the students' age, ability, language skills, previous experience, the number of participants, and the facility/space available.
  • When planning an activity, participant level of fitness, their previous training, and the intensity and length of time of the activity must all be taken into consideration.
  • Skills must be taught in proper progression and all activities must be based on the skills that are taught. 
  • A proper warm-up and cool-down must be included.
  • Be aware of students with a medical condition (for example, asthma, anaphylaxis, casts, previous concussion) that may affect their participation. Consult Medical Conditions for additional information.
  • Students must not participate until they receive concussion information specific to school board procedures/policies, activity specific information on concussion prevention, the inherent risks of the activity, how to minimize the activity risks, and rules/procedures for safe play.
  • Students must be instructed on the importance of reporting suspected concussion symptoms.
  • For all off-site activities refer to the school board's transportation procedures/policies related to appropriate methods of transportation, appropriate parent/guardian communication, and obtaining parent/guardian permission.
  • Activities that require students to close their eyes or be blind-folded while moving are prohibited. 
  • Teach students how to walk and/or run backwards properly.  Emphasize safe, controlled movement when students walk or run backwards. Backward-running races are not permitted.
  • If a student displays either verbal or non-verbal hesitation about performing a specific activity/skill then the teacher must determine the reason for hesitation.  If the teacher believes the hesitancy may put the student at risk during activity, then the student must be directed towards a more basic skill or be permitted to select a challenge that aligns with their comfort level (including choosing not to participate). 
  • To prevent dehydration, students must have access to water fountains or personal water bottles before, during, and after the activity.


  • All activities must be supervised.
  • On-site supervision is required during initial instruction and use of free weights and weight machines.

  • In-the-area supervision is required thereafter.

  • Note: Intramural/Club situations require in-the-area supervision with a trained monitor on site.

  • The level of supervision must commensurate with the inherent risk of the activity. The level of risk is related to the number of participants, the skill level of the participants, the type of equipment used, and environmental conditions.
  • Volunteers are allowed to assist in the supervision of physical education activities. Examples of volunteers are educational assistants, retired teachers, co-op students, parents/guardians, early childhood educators, and teacher candidates. Refer to your school board’s policy regarding volunteers. These volunteers must be accompanied by a supervisor/physical education teacher.
  • Teachers must have experience or training prior to providing activity specific instruction.  Teachers without recent experience or training should receive training or assistance from appropriately trained staff.

First Aid

  • A working communication device (for example, cell phone) must be accessible.
  • The school's first aid plan/emergency response (consult First Aid Plan and First Aid Emergency Response) and the school board’s concussion protocol (consult Concussions) must be followed.
  • The school evacuation and lock down plans must be communicated to students and followed in the case of an emergency.


  • In-Charge Person:
    • Some activity safety pages refer to an “In-Charge” person. The teacher is always "In-Charge" and responsible for the overall safety and well-being of students under their care.  However, sometimes other personnel must be identified as "In-Charge" related to specific situations (for example, a pool lifeguard).  In these situations where another "In-Charge" person is designated, that person in consultation with the teacher are to make final decisions regarding student safety.
  • Supervision:
    • The vigilant overseeing of an activity or sport for regulation or direction.
    • All facilities, equipment, and sports have inherent risks, but the level of risk decreases significantly with effective supervision
    • Manitoba Physical Activity Safety in Schools designate three categories of supervision:  Constant Visual Supervision, On-Site Supervision, and In-The-Area Supervision. The categories take into consideration the activity specific level of risk, the participants’ skills, and the participant level of experience. The three levels of supervision are not hierarchical but represent the type of supervision that an activity requires and the type of supervision that is inherently possible.
  • Supervisor:
    • A supervisor is defined as a teacher, vice-principal or principal with current Manitoba Teachers' Society certification and under contract by a school/school board. The supervisor is legally responsible for the students.
  • Types of Supervision:
    • Constant Visual Supervision:
      • The teacher is physically present, watching the activity in question. Only one activity requiring “Constant Visual Supervision" may take place while other activities are going on.
      • Curricular example: During a track and field lesson, some students are practicing high jump, some practicing relay, and others practicing distance running. The teacher is at and is watching high jump.
      • Intramural example: During a school outdoor special events day, some students are involved in parachute games, some in relay games, and others in a team scavenger hunt around the school. The intramural supervisor is at and is watching the parachute games.
    • In-the-area Supervision:
      • "In-The-Area Supervision" means that the teacher could be in the gymnasium while another activity is taking place in an area adjacent to the gymnasium.  "In-The-Area Supervision" requires the teacher to be readily accessible.  
      • "In-The-Area Supervision" occurs during activities in which students may be out of sight for periods of time and the location of the teacher is not nearby (for example, alpine skiing, cross-country running) or during activities where single or multiple "In-the-Area" activities are happening at the same time (for example, a gym divided by a curtain or wall with badminton or table tennis on either side of the wall).
      • The following criteria must be in place:
        • The teacher is circulating and is readily accessible
        • The location of the teacher has been communicated to students and volunteers;
      • Curricular example: During a track and field lesson, some students are practicing high jump, some practicing relay, and others practicing distance running. For distance running, the students are running around the school and at times may be out of sight.
      • Intramural example: During a school outdoor special events day, some students are involved in parachute games, some in relay games, and others in a team scavenger hunt around the school. For the scavenger hunt, the students are running around the school grounds and at times may be out of sight.
    • On-site Supervision:
      • The teacher is present but not necessarily constantly viewing one specific activity. Momentary presence in adjoining rooms (for example, equipment room) to the gym is considered part of “On-Site Supervision”.
      • Curricular example: During a track and field lesson, some students are practicing high jump, some practicing relay, and others practicing distance running. Students participating on the track (relay) can be seen by the teacher who is physically with the students practicing high jump. 
      • Intramural example: During a school outdoor special events day, some students are involved in parachute games, some in relay games, and others in a team scavenger hunt around the school. For relay games, the students are participating on the playground and can be seen by the intramural supervisor.

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