Strategies For Managing an Asthma Attack
If the student starts having asthma symptoms during physical activity, have them stop the activity and take their inhaler (two puffs given one puff at a time, with 30 seconds between puffs). When the student has fully recovered, they may resume the activity.
If within 10 to 15 minutes after using the inhaler the students is still experiencing asthma symptoms, repeat two puffs of the inhaler (again, delivering one puff at a time). Contact the parents and do not allow the student to return to the activity.
It is an emergency situation if the student’s asthma symptoms do not improve, or worsen, after using the inhaler. 911 should be called. Follow the steps outlined in the Ontario Lung Health Foundation's What to do in the event of an Asthma Attack! poster to help identify and treat an asthma emergency.