Background Information on the Concussion Recovery Process

A student with a diagnosed concussion needs to follow a Return to School Plan which includes an individualized and gradual Return to Learning (RTL) plan and Return to Physical Activity (RTPA) plan. In developing the Return to School Plan, the RTL process is designed to meet the particular needs of the student, as there is not a pre-set plan of strategies and/or approaches to assist a student returning to their learning activities. In contrast the RTPA plan follows an internationally recognized graduated approach.

The management of a student concussion is a shared responsibility, requiring regular communication, between the home, school (Collaborative Team) and sport organizations with which the student is involved and registered with consultation from the student’s medical doctor or nurse practitioner and/or other licensed healthcare providers (for example, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors and athletic therapists).

There are two parts to a student’s RTL and RTPA plan. This first part occurs at home and prepares the student for the second part which occurs at school. The school part of the plan begins with:

  • A meeting with the principal/designate to provide the parent(s)/guardian(s) information on:
    • the school part of the RTL and RTPA plan
    • the Collaborative Team participants and parent(s)/guardian(s) role on the team
  • A student assessment to determine possible strategies and/or approaches for student learning

The home stages of the Return to School Plan for RTL and RTPA (Initial Rest to Stage 2 for RTS and Initial Rest to Stage 2b of RTPA) focuses on a student’s progression through the home stages of the RTL and RTPA plan. It has been designed to provide direction for, and documentation of the stages of the RTL and RTPA plan.

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