Transporting Techniques

  • Students must be provided with instruction how to safely transport objects/people (for example, strong base of support, knees never in a locked position, head-up and always looking in the direction of travel).
  • If transporting people by their hands and arms, the weight of the person being transported needs to be centrally distributed and in front of the carrier.
  • Piggy-back style transportation is allowed.  The carrier should follow appropriate lifting techniques.  The student being transported must never hold on around the carrier's neck or wrap their legs around the carrier's back.
  • Wheelbarrow type transportation is allowed.  The student must be supported by their thighs and all forward motion is initiated by the student in the wheelbarrow position.  All other inverted transportation activities are not permitted.
  • Transporting a student on the carrier's shoulders in not permitted with the exception of in a pool.
  • Students should never be carried by the neck or head.
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