Parent/Guardian and Student Communication

Parent/Guardian Communication
  • Coaches must communicate the inherent risk of sport participation to the parents/guardians prior to the first practice.  
  • Parents/guardians must complete/sign and return an Emergency Contact/Medical Information and Acknowledgment of Risks and Permission to Participate Form (for samples see Sample Interschool Parent/Guardian Letter and the Sample Interschool Medical Information and Consent to Participate Form).
  • Coaches must inform parents/guardians, through written and /or verbal communication, the times and locations of practices and games. 
  • Coaches must communicate to parents/guardians the school division transportation policies/procedures related to off-site interscholastic sport and obtain any parent/guardian permissions (as necessary). 
Student Communication
  • Coaches must communicate to students the inherent risk of sport participation prior to the first practice. 
  • Coaches must inform students, through written and /or verbal communication, the times and locations of practices and games. 
  • Coaches must communicate to students the school division transportation policies/procedures related to off-site interscholastic sport. 
  • Coaches must communicate to students the school division policy related to initiation/hazing activities.
  • Coaches must communicate to students the school division or school health and safety procedures/protocols around interscholatic sport (for example, sharing water bottles, illness/injury).
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